O Programa Integrado de Pós-graduação (PIPG) em Bioenergia, resultado do convênio de cooperação entre as três universidades estaduais paulistas: USP, Unicamp e Unesp, está com inscrições abertas para o processo seletivo do curso de Doutorado, para ingresso no primeiro semestre de 2015.
O programa está estruturado nas áreas de concentração Produção de biomassa para bioenergia; Biorefinaria, biocombustíveis e motores; Sustentabilidade socioeconômica ambiental e conta com corpo docente composto por representantes das três universidades envolvidas.
Os interessados devem realizar a inscrição, exclusivamente, pelo e-mail [email protected], até 30 de setembro de 2014.
A documentação necessária e demais informações sobre o processo seletivo podem ser consultadas no edital do processo, disponível no site do programa:
Outras informações pelo e-mail [email protected]
The selection of applicants will be based on the submitted information. Selection criteria involve:
a) Analysis of the candidate’s CV, considering, among others: scientific output (publications in peer-reviewed and indexed journals, scholarships and/or fellowships obtained from funding agencies, participation and presentation of results in scientific events) and professional experience (50 % weight).
b) Analysis of the candidate’s transcripts (or records), considering, among others: the final average grade, the relation between the courses taken and the Ph.D. in Bioenergy’s research lines and the number of courses in which the candidate failed (30% weight).
c) Analysis of the 3-pages research plan submitted by the candidate (20% weight).
The applicant will be approved/selected in the Ph.D. program in Bioenergy provided that he or she reaches a final score equal to or greater than 6.0. Besides this, it is mandatory that the candidate is accepted by one of the program’s advisors before enrollment.
The list of admitted students will be published on the program’s website, at http://genfis40.esalq.usp.br/pg_bio/, no later than 30 days after the last application day. Each admitted student will receive an email containing all necessary information related to enrollment (e.g. dates, places and required documents).